French pages will follow soon
Talent Unlimited
"Back to an old love: to get the best out of people through coaching and training"
" a young adult I started training and coaching basketball teams, and also taught aerobic and jazz. When I started working in Belgium for an international company in the graphic industry, I seized the opportunity to present workshops all over Europe.
After having managed our talents at home for some time, I was introduced to Insights Discovery. I enrolled for the training, and found it so inspiring, that it brought me back to an old love: coaching and training.
I am a licensed practitioner and use this fantastic psychometric instrument, called Insights Discoveryr, to help people discover and understand their preferences and talents and help teams perform optimally.
Talent Unlimited:
The current tendency within the field of coaching, is not wanting to improve your weak points to perfection. You should of course be at least aware of them and work on trying to flex them. To sharpen your strong points and maximize your talents gets you to success.
This vision coincides with my wish to help people find and use their talent. And to give tools to make it easier for people to work together.
Insights Discovery:
In the back-drop of an ever-changing world, organisations are constantly faced with new business challenges, undergoing profound change and being asked to shift direction in order to meet new and tougher expectations than ever before.
That’s why we believe that understanding yourself, understanding others, and learning how to work together in a positive way, is not a luxury – it’s a necessity and the gateway to success for your people, your leaders, your teams and your entire organisation.
Happy workers: better workers.
Not difficult to guess, often overlooked.
MORE INFO about Fem'tastique:
CV in short:
Born in the Netherlands
15+ years in Belgium
20+ years of HR experience and corporate training
3 children with my partner
Dutch, English and French
For more information feel free to contact me at